“Be the change you want to see in the world.”
Most rural communities in Guatemala lack life’s basic necessities, such as clean, running water and access to healthcare and education. For children growing up in these areas, the future is often bleak but it doesn’t have to be. Refuge International is fighting to change this reality and invites you to be a part of our mission.
Refuge International strives to make a difference through collaborative and sustainable programs in the areas of basic healthcare, adequate nutrition, clean water and education in rural communities of Guatemala. We also serve the homeless population here in Longview by providing a monthly healthcare clinic.
Since 2003, our volunteers and donors have changed the lives of thousands. From regular check-ups and preventative medicines to performing life-saving surgeries, our medical teams have given new hope to the people of Guatemala. We’ve brought dentists, chiropractors and technicians to their communities. We’ve built schools, trained nurses and local practitioners, dug water wells, distributed water filters and treated millions of children for worms and parasites. The need is great but so is our passion.